Social media tips that deliver

 Marketing has come a long way. From little pamphlets to big banners, digitization has the changed way marketers communicate to their audience. People are smarter now. They recognize blatant ads for what they are and reject them immediately.

To tap into their attention, you need to stand out. You have to communicate with them and not sell. And what could be a better place to communicate with them than social media. Your customers hang out in social media, so why don’t you?

So if you’ve realized the need for social media and decide to hire a social media agency in Mumbai, you must know some basic tips yourself. After all, it’s your business!

Social media marketing can be a dynamic powerhouse that solidifies branding, creates quality leads, and drives sales. Or, it can be a big time-wasting, task-oriented dud. The key is to know how to strategically create, carry out, and measure the overall plan.

Read on to know the basic tips for social media:

Identify and set your goals

It’s a smart business practice to start with goal setting before all new plans, and social media marketing’s no different. After all, you can be the best bicycle salesperson in the state, but still, fail if you are supposed to be selling ice cream.

Use the SMART goal setting strategy to create the foundation for successful social media marketing. The SMART goal is Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Timely. It’ll come handy when you have to explain your goals to your social media agency in Mumbai.

Know your audience

Your message won’t be effective unless it is specifically designed for who you are trying to target. Developing a relevant buyer persona is essential for successful social media marketing. Three pieces of information offer insight into pinpointing your audience.

Nail down pain points. What question does your product answer? How does it make your buyer’s job easier? Only by thoroughly understanding this can an organization show their value.

Know the platforms

It’s usually a mistake to try to cultivate followers on half a dozen or more social media channels. The person managing the social media efforts gets overwhelmed, off track, and the results end up being puny. Facebook is the social media giant, of course. LinkedIn is also great for businesses to have a presence. But neither may be the one companies should focus on.

The offering is key to the platforms you should choose. Selling directly to consumers? Facebook is your best bet. Targeting a younger audience? Snapchat or Instagram might perform the best. Marketing to other companies? LinkedIn could be your golden ticket.

Successful social media marketing takes chunks of time to manage. It’s far better to choose one or two channels and really invest in them than five or six channels and spread the message. Successful social media marketing poses a variety of challenges to businesses, and it’s easy to take the wrong turn and end up with less-than-thrilling results. It’s also common to start out excited, and get burned out and lose commitment in the middle of your efforts. Hence it’s better to consult your social media agency in Mumbai and plan your strategy accordingly.


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